Pain Points & Solutions

Difficulty in finding new clients?

What if we told you about your difficulty in being integrated?

What if the real problem is that you do not have a procedure on how to stay connected?

Relying heavily on outdated industry truisms that are not as valid today in a real estate world that has evolved since the Great Recession due to the internet's widespread use. Understanding when to follow conventional wisdom and when to go for new approaches will enable you to create a successful real estate career.

Here are some ways to be updated in this market:

Social Media

The importance of an online presence has never been greater than it is today. A wide audience can be reached most quickly this way. Setting up accounts on various social media platforms, sending out newsletters via email, and presenting a certain aesthetic all contribute to showcasing who you are and how your real estate stock compares to others'. It enables you to become known, trusted, and able to collect more properties and create lists, or to sell them to clients.

Building strong network

Building a strong network is the first step to getting listings. Keeping relationships with buyers and sellers is a constant task for real estate agents. When they begin, they usually reach out to everyone they know. This may include family members, friends, and acquaintances. The team meets with these people, discusses real estate, pursues any leads, and also lets them know they're in this business. Although the people they speak with now might not be interested in purchasing or selling a house, there is a good chance that they will be in a few months or know someone who will be. Cold calling and warm calling are also methods used by new agents to generate leads for listings.

Creating brochures, flyers, and posters

As a real estate agent, you’re always looking for ways to reach prospective buyers or sellers and grow your business. While many agents turn to digital tactics like social media or email, real estate flyers still remain an important strategy for any real estate marketing campaign.

Flyers are easier than ever before to build with low-cost printing and CRM technology templates. Furthermore, if you send out the flyers to the neighbours where you sold a property, it can attract more people and remind them of your services if they decide to sell their property. Here you can learn to how make a quick flyer with Canva:

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